Monday, April 6, 2009

Fox News

Word. Nas was right Fox News is a "sly fox" it me or is Fox News the most ridiculous news broadcast in our country? I just watch a Newscaster "Hannity's Headline" turn a few word that President Obama said in France "America has shown arrogance", which is very true we have shown arrogance, we are also a very confident country, and take them completely out of context. Is this because he is a Republican and very conservative? I think we are arrogant to an extent and some of our arrogance has gotten us into the situation we are in now with an economic downturn (recession), rising energy cost and a war with Iraq which is has no merrit we should be fighting terrorism in Afghanastan where the terrorist are plotting and killing innocent people. Yeah there are cells in Iraq but only because we have created the issue over there. I think we have done a lot of great things in Iraq to help them to start to create a democracy and create a better situation for their country, but it time to have an impact on where the issue is not where there are small cells.

The President also said this week in Turkey:

"Now, our two democracies are confronted by an unprecedented set of challenges. An economic crisis that recognizes no borders. Extremism that leads to the killing of innocent men, women and children. Strains on our energy supply and a changing climate. The proliferation of the world’s deadliest weapons, and the persistence of tragic conflict.
These are the great tests of our young century. And the choices that we make in the coming years will determine whether the future will be shaped by fear or by freedom; by poverty or by prosperity; by strife or by a just, secure and lasting peace.
This much is certain: no one nation can confront these challenges alone, and all nations have a stake in overcoming them. That is why we must listen to one another, and seek common ground. That is why we must build on our mutual interests, and rise above our differences. We are stronger when we act together."

The President is not trying to talk down on our country he is simply trying to make the way we are preceived in the world better. Is it a bad thing to try and improve our standing in the world by reaching out to those that have considered us to be arrogant and abbresive and change the way the begin to think about our great country? I don't think so, people from every country in the world live and work and contribute to the growth and prosperity in The United Sates and there is no reason why people all over the world should be angry or against our country, the best country in the world (there some of that arrogance).

President Obama has been in office for 74 days he didn't create any of these issues we are having, he is simply trying to make our situation better for the future of our country and the world.

Think about and comment on what you think...we can have different opinions but like the president said "we must listen to one another, and seek common ground. That is why we must build on our common interest and rise above our differences. We are stronger when we act together."



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